Welcome to the E-marketing Online Course!

Your Assignment 2 is due in on Friday 29 April 2022.

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E-marketing Online Course

Online business is one of the most dynamically growing sectors in Georgia.

Selling online can provide businesses in the pharmaceutical sector a way to grow and reach customers across the globe. As the country harnesses the potential of e-marketing and e-commerce, the increasing growth potential and acceleration of digital commerce is coming into sharp focus. This course aims to increase your participation and success in online business and prepare you to capitalize on new opportunities. Don't get left behind in the adoption of digital technologies to grow your business in a post-COVID world.

What is the course?

Growing businesses from the Georgian Pharmaceutical Cluster

  • Digital skills

    Enhance market access through building knowledge, capacity, and skills in digital channels for success in online business.

  • Comprehensive course

    Technical learning, in-depth training, and coaching support on how to grow and scale an online business.

  • Global reach

    Prepare to capitalize on new opportunities to expand market access globally.

Why E-marketing?

There are massive opportunities to grow your business and get new customers from within Georgia and across the world. While you may already be using social media and chat apps to connect with your customers, perhaps you are not getting as many online sales as you would like. You may be hitting barriers that are hard to overcome or you may not know where to start with online marketing.

  • Sell 24/7

  • Gain new customers

  • Increase sales

  • Set up quickly

  • Manage from a mobile phone

  • Sell globally

  • Prepare for the future

Boosting competitiveness

EU Innovative Action for Private Sector Competitiveness for Georgian Pharmaceutical Cluster with a focus on bacteriophages and herbal pharmaceuticals

  • Enhance entrepreneurship

    Expand entrepreneurship and business sophistication

  • Build clusters

    Strengthen and support companies by identifying and developing clusters

  • Strategic investments

    Support companies and demonstrate the effectiveness of new strategies

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Module #1 - Welcome and Introductions *Release Date: 14 March 2022 | Study Time: 70 minutes

    • Welcome from Course Manager - Giorgi Todua International Cluster Expert [2 minutes]

    • Meet Your Course Facilitator [2 minutes]

    • Meet and Follow Your Fellow Participants [15 minutes]

    • E-marketing Online Course Roadmap [5 minutes]

    • How the Course Works [5 minutes]

    • How to Use this Online Course Platform [1 minute]

    • [Worksheet Activity] Your Business Elevator Pitch [30 minutes]

    • Review of Module #1 [5 minutes]

    • E-marketing Online Course Legal Statements [5 minutes]

  • 2

    Live Zoom Q&A Sessions

    • [Live Zoom] Q&A Sessions on Tuesdays at 11:00 [120 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Q&A Sessions

  • 3

    Module #2 - Why E-marketing and E-commerce? *Release Date: 14 March 2022 | Study Time: 85 minutes

    • Roadmap for Module #2

    • Module #2 Survey [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Why E-Marketing & E-Commerce - Part A [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Why E-Marketing & E-Commerce - Part B [15 minutes]

    • [Summary Guide] Why E-marketing and E-commerce? [15 minutes]

    • [Further Reading] Traditional v Online Commerce [5 minutes]

    • [Quiz] Why E-marketing and E-commerce? [5 minutes]

    • [Worksheet Activity] Why E-marketing and E-commerce is Good For Your Business [30 minutes]

    • Review of Module #2 [5 minutes]

  • 4

    Module #3 - Online Business Models *Release Date: 14 March 2022 | Study Time: 140 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #3

    • Module #3 Survey [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Online Business Models - Part A [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Online Business Models - Part B [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Online Business Models - Part C [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Online Business Models - Part D [5 minutes]

    • [Summary Guide] Online Business Models? [15 minutes]

    • Best Practice Examples [30 minutes +]

    • Further Reading [30 minutes +]

    • [Quiz] Online Business Models [5 minutes]

    • [Worksheet Activity] Choose Your Online Business Models [30 minutes]

    • Review of Module #3 [5 minutes]

  • 5

    Module #4 - Georgia Digital Overview *Release Date: 18 March 2022 | Study Time: 185 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #4

    • Digital 2022 Presentation [60 minutes]

    • Digital Georgia 2021 Presentation [60 minutes]

    • Further Reading [30 minutes +]

    • [Worksheet Activity] Interesting Digital Statistics For Your Business [30 minutes]

    • Review of Module #4 [5 minutes]

  • 6

    Module #5 - Introduction to E-marketing *Release Date: 18 March 2022 | Study Time: 170 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #5

    • Module #5 Survey [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Introduction to E-marketing - Part A [10 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Introduction to E-marketing - Part B [5 minutes]

    • [Summary Guide] - Introduction to E-marketing [15 minutes]

    • Best Practice Examples [30 minutes +]

    • Action Planning [5 minutes]

    • Further Reading [30 minutes +]

    • E-marketing Digital Applications [30 minutes +]

    • [Quiz] Introduction to E-marketing [5 minutes]

    • [Worksheet Activity] Choose Your E-marketing Channels [30 minutes]

    • Review of Module #5 [5 minutes]

  • 7

    Module #6 - Researching Customers and Competitors *Release Date: 25 March 2022 | Study Time: 205 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #6

    • Module #6 Survey [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Researching Customers - Part A [10 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Researching Competitors - Part B [5 minutes]

    • [Summary Guide] - Researching Customers and Competitors [15 minutes]

    • Research Digital Tools [30 minutes +]

    • Create Your Target Audience Personas [10 minutes]

    • [Worksheet Activity 1] Identify Your Online Customers [60 minutes]

    • [Worksheet Activity 2] Identify Your Online Competitors [60 minutes]

    • Review of Module #6 [5 minutes]

  • 8

    Module #7 - Creating Online Content *Release Date: 25 March 2022 | Study Time: 105 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #7

    • Module #7 Survey [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Creating Online Content - Part A [10 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Creating Online Content - Part B [5 minutes]

    • [Video Lesson] Creating Online Content - Part C [5 minutes]

    • [Summary Guide] - Creating Online Content [15 minutes]

    • Best Practice Examples [30 minutes +]

    • Digital Tools for Content Creation [30 minutes +]

    • [Bonus Lesson] Creating Content for Social Media

    • [Bonus Resources] Facebook Brand Framework Template

    • [Bonus Resources] Facebook Content Plan Template

    • [Bonus Resources] Facebook Content Calendar Template

    • Review of Module #7 [5 minutes]

  • 9

    Assignment 1 - Creating Online Content

    • [Assignment 1] Create Your Online Content - Deadline Friday 8 April 2022 [60 minutes +]

  • 10

    Module #8 Social Media Business Page Set Up *Release Date: 11 April 2022 | Study Time: 80 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #8

    • Select Your Priority Social Media Channel for Your Business [15 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is Facebook] Facebook Business Page Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is Instagram] Instagram Business Page Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is WhatsApp] WhatsApp Business Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is LinkedIn] LinkedIn Company Page Set Up [60 minutes]

    • Review of Module #8 [5 minutes]

  • 11

    Module #9 Social Store Set Up *Release Date: 11 April 2022 | Study Time: 65 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #9

    • [If Your Priority is Facebook] Facebook Shop Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is Instagram] Instagram Shop Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is WhatsApp] WhatsApp Catalog Set Up [60 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is LinkedIn] LinkedIn Product & Service Pages and Other Functionality [60 minutes]

    • Review of Module #9 [5 minutes]

  • 12

    Module #10 Social Media Business Profile Optimisation *Release Date: 11 April 2022 | Study Time: 65 minutes +

    • Roadmap for Module #10

    • [If Your Priority is Facebook] Facebook Grow Followers and Paid Ads [60 minutes +]

    • [If Your Priority is Instagram] Instagram Grow Followers and Paid Ads [30 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is WhatsApp Business] WhatsApp Advanced Features [30 minutes]

    • [If Your Priority is LinkedIn] LinkedIn Grow Followers and Paid Ads [60 minutes +]

    • Review of Module #10 [5 minutes]

  • 13

    Assignment 2 - Building Your Social Media Presence

    • [Assignment 2] Build Your Social Media Profile - Deadline Friday 29 April 2022 [60 minutes +]

  • 14


    • [Invitation] Coaching Sessions with our Experts in May 2022 [120 minutes +]

Facilitators and Coaches

UNIDO International E-commerce Expert

Sarah Carroll

Sarah is an expert in international e-commerce and cross-border online sales. She is passionate about ensuring no-one gets left behind in this digital world. She has captured her vision in her UK Amazon best-selling book 'Grow Fast, Grow Global: 6 steps to unstoppable international growth in the digital age' which was one of the top five marketing and sales books in the Business Book Awards 2019. She's propelled nearly 10,000 companies on their international digital journey and helped them achieve up to 10x growth by translating her depth of knowledge of digital trade into simple, clear actions to follow. Sarah has trained businesses across the world from Azerbaijan to Rwanda, with most of her work in the UK, one of the leading digital economies in the world.

UNIDO National E-commerce Expert

Tornike Toliashvili

Tornike has more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. He has successfully launched digital platforms around the world and is also co-founder of one of the biggest e-commerce stores in Georgia. Creating online business startups, he also helps several international corporations to grow their online presence, increase sales and expand their business across the world. Tornike is passionate to share his experience with everyone who wants their success stories to be visible in the digital world.

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