Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module #1 - Welcome to the programme! *Release Date: 6 May 2021 | Study Time: 115 minutes

    • Welcome from Juan Pablo Davila of UNIDO

    • Meet your Instructors

    • How the Training Programme Works

    • How to Use this Online Course Platform

    • [Discussion Activity] Introductions and Expectations [15 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Using the Platform and Course Expectations - on Thursday 6 May 2021 at 11:00 [60 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Welcome and Programme Launch - held Thursday 6 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Welcome and Programme Launch

  • 2

    Module #2 - ISO 22 000 Food Safety Management System *Release Date: 7th May 2021

    • [Live Zoom] Food safety Management System (ISO 22 000); Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Food Safety Management - held Wednesday 12 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Food Safety Management System (ISO 22 000) [60 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Food safety Management System (ISO 22 000) PART 2; Monday 17 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Food Safety Management (ISO 22 000) PART 2- held Monday 17 May 2021

    • Reference Material for ISO 22 000 - Developing a HACCP Plan

    • Reference Material for ISO 22 000 - CCP Determination

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Food Safety Management System (ISO 22 000) PART 2 [60 minutes]

    • Reference Material for ISO 22 000 - ISO standard for training purposes

    • [Assignment] Test your knowledge on Food Safety Management Systems [60 minutes]

    • [Assignment 2] Practical excercice on Food Safety Management Systems [45 minutes]

    • Review of Module #2 [5 minutes]

  • 3

    Module #3 - ISO 9001 *Release Date: 14 May 2021 | Study Time: 135 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] ISO 9001 - Quality Management System; Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Quality Management System (ISO 9001)- held Wednesday 19 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Quality Management System [60 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] ISO 9001 - Quality Management System - PART 2; Thursday 20 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Quality Management System (ISO 9001) PART 2- held Thursday 20 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Quality Management System - PART 2 [60 minutes]

    • Reference Material for ISO 9 001 - Quality Management Systems Requirements

    • Reference Material for ISO 9 001 - procedures for documented information

    • Reference Material for ISO 9 001 - production process

    • Quality Management System Quiz [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment] Quality Management System [60 minutes]

    • Review of Module #3 [5 minutes]

  • 4

    Module #4 - Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) *Release Date: 21 May 2021

    • [Live Zoom] Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716); Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - GMP for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) - held Wednesday 26 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - GMPs for Cosmetics (ISO 22 716) - [60 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) PART 2; Thursday 27 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - GMP for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) - PART 2, held Thursday 27 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - GMPs for Cosmetics (ISO 22 716) - PART 2 [60 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) PART 3; Friday 28 May 2021 at 10:00 [180 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - GMP for Cosmetic Products (ISO 22 716) - PART 3, held Friday 28 May 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - GMPs for Cosmetics (ISO 22 716) - PART 3 [60 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Summary Guide - GMPs in Cosmetics (ISO 22 716) [15 minutes]

    • Quizz - GMPs in Cosmetics [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment] Test your knowledge on GMPs in Cosmetics [60 minutes]

    • [Assignment 2] Test your knowledge on GMPs in Cosmetics [60 minutes]

    • Review of Module #4 [5 minutes]

  • 5

    Graduation and Next Steps

    • Please Review the WACOMP Ghana Quality Experts ressource Pool Training Course!

    • [Live Zoom] Graduation Ceremony on 9th June 2021 at 10 GMT

Countdown timer

This course is finished. Stay tuned for further editions....

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Quality Infrastructure Trainer

Fredrick GYAMERA

Specialist in Quality Assurance and Food Safety Management, holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Technology. IRCA Lead auditor: ISO 9001 QMS and Internal auditor ISO 14000 and ISO 22000 & HACCP food safety system practitioner. Former Chief Standards Officer and Head of Systems Certification Department of Ghana Standards. Immediate past UNIDO International expert in-charge of Enterprise Certification and Quality, West Africa Quality Programme -Abuja UNIDO WACOMP Ghana, national Quality Infrastructure expert responsible for Quality and Conformity assessment issues and Laboratory accreditation Auditor for the following standards - ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, HACCP. Conducted a number of training in food safety standards ISO 22000 and HACCP. Experiences related to quality management and food safety gained on position of Quality Assurance expert in Food Industry.

ISO 22716 training expert


Rohila is an approved lead auditor & has expertise in various food and non- food standards like BRC, ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000, HACCP, GMP, Food Hygiene, FSMA, PCQI, ISO 22716:2007, EFFCI and-the-like. She’s been an esteemed professional in the field for over 14 years & has conducted over 800 audits for various food, cosmetic & hospitality industries. Besides being a BRC Trainer, she’s an IRCA approved trainer & has conducted over 300 training programs globally in several food & non-food Standards. She’s a proficient FOSTAC approved trainer for Catering, Manufacturing & Street Food Vendor and a specialist in Vendor Development and Management. Beyond this she has distinctive leadership and communication skills, and is a visionary leader.

Quality Management Training Expert


A Consultant, Auditor and Trainer (Health & Safety, Environment and Quality) Stephen holds relevant accredited certifications in ISO- based management system standards. • Lead Auditor ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO45001 • Lead Implementer ISO 9001 & ISO14001 • Trainer ISO- based management system He has career experience in both manufacturing and consultancy services both in Ghana and abroad. A former HC Africa (Belgium) HSE Project manager responsible for ISO- based Projects in Ghana and other African countries (e.g. Togo, Benin, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Tanzania). As a consultant, was among the National Quality Management System experts in Ghana for the first UNIDO project to assist QMS establishment and implementation in Ghana. Stephen provides ISO-based training and auditing for companies in Ghana and abroad. He is a member of American Society for Quality.

We are grateful to our sponsors and partners