Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome from Juan Pablo Davila of UNIDO

    • How to Use this Online Course Platform

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    Module 1 - Course Introduction

    • Introduction to Finance for Laboratory Manager

    • Course overview

    • Course Material

    • Introductory video- Part1

    • Introductory video- Part2

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    Module 2 - Income Statement

    • Income Statement

    • Discounting Assignment

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    Module 3 - Balance Sheet

    • Balance Sheet

    • Evaluate your knowledge - 1

    • Evaluate your knowledge - 2

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    Module 4 - Ratio Analysis

    • Ratio Analysis

  • 6

    Case study material

    • Case Study LMF

    • Case Study - LMF Upload Case Study Spreadsheet

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    Module 5 - Costing

    • Brief overview of the costing and budgeting lessons using Thinkific

    • What are costs and cost centers?

    • Case study example of using working out the full costs of a particular job.

    • Break even analysis

    • Test your knowledge - Costs

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    Module 6 - Activity Based Costing (ABC)

    • Introduction to Module 6

    • Case Study - Activity Based Costing

    • The Pros and Cons of Activity Based Costing (ABC)

    • Activity Based Management

    • Test your knowledge - Activity Based Costing

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    Module 7 - Additional matters - CAPEX, Budgeting, Investing, cost cutting

    • Module 7 - Budgets and budgeting - Overview

    • Budgets and budgeting

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    Costing case study

    • Case Study Costing Model ... part one

    • Case Study Costing Model ... part two

    • Costing Case Study - LMF Upload Costing Case Study Spreadsheet

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    Wrap up

    • Copy of Delegate feedback survey