Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module #1 - Welcome to the programme! *Release Date: 11 June 2021 | Study Time: 115 minutes

    • Welcome from Juan Pablo Davila of UNIDO

    • Meet your Instructors

    • How the Training Programme Works

    • How to Use this Online Course Platform

    • [Discussion Activity] Introductions and Expectations [15 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Using the Platform and Course Expectations - on Thursday 17 June 2021 at 9:00 [60 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Welcome and Programme Launch - held Thursday 17 June 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Welcome and Programme Launch

  • 2

    Module #2 - Knowing Your Costs as a Business *Release Date: 18th June 2021 | Study Time: 110 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Knowing your costs as a business; Thursday 24th June 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Know your costs - held Thursday 24 June 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Know Your Costs [15 minutes]

    • Quizz : Know your costs [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 1] Cost computation [15 minutes]

    • Review of Module #2 [5 minutes]

  • 3

    Module #3 - Computation of your costs involved *Release Date: 25 June 2021 | Study Time: 135 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Cost computation; Thursday 1st July 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Cost computation- held Thursday 1st July 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Cost Computation [15 minutes]

    • [Self-Study] Product Costing Revision [20 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Summary Guide - Cost Computation [15 minutes]

    • Cost Calculation Quiz [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment 3] Cost computation [15 minutes]

    • Review of Module #3 [5 minutes]

  • 4

    Module #4 - Pricing your products *Release Date: 2 July 2021 | Study Time: 155 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Pricing your products ; Thursday 8 July 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Pricing your products - held Thursday 8 July 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Product Pricing [15 minutes]

    • [Self-Study] Product Pricing Revision [20 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Summary Guide - Pricing [15 minutes]

    • Price Calculation Quiz [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 4] Product Pricing [20 minutes]

    • EXTRA [Assignment 5] Product Pricing [20 minutes]

    • Review of Module #4 [5 minutes]

  • 5

    Module #5 - Types of budgets *Release Date: 9 July 2021 | Study Time: 115 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Types of Budget; Thursday 15 July 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session -Types of Budgets - held Thursday 15 July 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Types of Budgets [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Summary Guide - Budgeting [15 minutes]

    • Budgeting Quiz [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 6A] Analyzing a budget [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment 6B] Analyzing a budget [20 minutes]

    • EXTRA OPTIONAL [Assignment 7] Analyzing a budget [20 minutes]

    • Review of Module #5 [5 minutes]

  • 6

    Module #6 - Budgeting methods, preparation and monitoring *Release Date: 16th July 2021 | Study Time: 105 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Budgeting methods and monitoring; Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Budgeting methods and monitoring - held Thursday 22nd July 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Budgeting methods [15 minutes]

    • Budgeting Quiz [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment 8] Budget Monitoring [20 minutes]

    • Review of Module #6 [5 minutes]

  • 7

    Module #7 - Tax payment *Release Date: 23 July 2021|Study Time: 90 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] Tax Payment; Thursday 29 July 2021 at 10:00 [45 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Tax Payment - held Thursday 29th July 2021

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Tax Payment [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Summary Guide - Tax Payment[15 minutes]

    • [Discussion] Taxation issues [20 minutes]

    • Review of Module #7 [5 minutes]

  • 8

    Graduation and Next Steps

    • Please Review the Financial Training Course!

    • [Live Zoom] Graduation Ceremony on 12th August 2021 at 10 GMT

    • [Recording] Graduation Ceremony - 12th August 2021

Countdown timer

This course is finished. Stay tuned for further editions....

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Finance and SME Development Trainer

Kwame Adjekum

Kwame has expertise in Business Strategy, Finance and SME Development spanning big 4 consulting firms and major banks among others. Beyond this he has supported SMEs in Finance through assignments with various institutions such as USAID/FinGAP, GIZ/MOAP, Skills Development Fund (SDF). He has facilitated trainings for AGI, on behalf of GIZ/MOAP for NBSSI, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) Ga Central District, Trade Union Congress (TUC) in Financial and Business Management and Entrepreneurship as well as SMEs through UNIDO WACOMP.

Finance Trainer

Sugar E. F. K. Adukonu

Sugar currently works as a Policy and Legislation Officer in Strategy, Research, Policy and Programmes Department of Ghana Revenue Authority. He holds an MPhil in Economics (KNUST) and MA in Organization Development (UCC) and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants. Sugar has over 20 years’ experience in fresh water fishing and has been actively engaged in Christian Youth Development as a passion

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