Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module #0 - Onboarding and Introduction *Release Date: 1st August 2022 | Study Time: 40 minutes

    • Welcome from Juan Pablo Davila of UNIDO

    • Meet your Instructors

    • How the Training Programme Works

    • How to Use this Online Course Platform

    • [Discussion Activity] Introductions and Expectations [15 minutes]

  • 2

    Module #1 - Marketing for CMOs *Release Date: 1st August 2022 | Study Time: 455 minutes + assignments

    • Module 1 Learning Objectives [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Module 1 structure - Marketing [15 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Marketing of a CMO; Wednesday 3rd August 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Marketing of a CMO, held on Wednesday 3rd August 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Marketing of a CMOs [30 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster Member Card [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster SWOT Analysis and Strategies [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster Business Model [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster Action Plan [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 1] Cluster SWOT Analysis [45 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Marketing of a CMO (1st Progress Meeting ); Thursday 18th August 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Marketing of a CMO (1st Progress Meeting ), held on Thursday 18th August 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT

    • [Self-study] Abura Cluster Swot Analysis Presentation from Live Zoom [30 minutes]

    • [Assignment 2] Cluster Vision to be developed or revised [20 minutes]

    • [Assignment 3] Cluster Business Model [45 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Marketing of a CMO (2nd Progress Meeting); Thursday 1st September 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Marketing of a CMO (2nd Progress Meeting), held on Thursday 1st September 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT

    • [Assignment 4] Cluster Action Plan [45 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Abura Cluster Action Plan Presentation from Live Zoom [30 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Marketing of a CMO (3rd Progress Meeting); Thursday 15th September 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Marketing of a CMO (3rd Progress Meeting), held on Thursday 15th September 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT

    • Review of Module #1 [5 minutes]

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    Module #2 - Cluster Branding and Promotion *Release Date: 16 September 2022 | Study Time: 315 minutes

    • Module 2 Learning Objectives [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Module 2 structure - Branding [20 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Cluster Branding and promotion; Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Cluster Branding and promotion held on Thursday 22nd September 2022

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - Branding and Promotion [30 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster branding [15 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster Promotion Plan [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 5] Cluster Branding [45 minutes]

    • [Assignment 6] Cluster Promotional Plan [45 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] Cluster Branding and promotion: Restitution; Thursday 6th October 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [120 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - Cluster Branding and promotion: Restitution, held on Thursday 6th October 2022

    • Review of Module #2 [5 minutes]

  • 4

    Module #3 - Monitoring and Evaluation of the Cluster *Release Date: 15th September 2022 | Study Time: 260 minutes

    • [Live Zoom] M&E for CMO; Thursday 20th October 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [90 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - M&E for CMOs- held Thursday 20th October 2022

    • [Self-study] Presentation from Live Zoom - M&E for CMOs [30 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Cluster M&E Plan [15 minutes]

    • [Assignment 7] Cluster Monitoring and Evaluation Plan [45 minutes]

    • [Live Zoom] M&E for CMOs : Restitution; Thursday 10th November 2022 at 11:00 AM GMT [120 minutes]

    • [Recording] Live Zoom Session - M&E for CMOs: Restitution - held Thursday 10th November 2022

    • Review of Module #3 [5 minutes]

    • Please Review the whole Cluster Coaching Training Course!

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    Module #4 - Experiential Learning *Release Date: 10th November 2022 | Study Time: 105 minutes

    • [Self-study] Experiential learning Guide [60 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Presentation Experiential Learning [45 minutes]

    • Review of Module #4 [5 minutes]

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    Module #5 - Communication *Release Date: 10th November 2022 | Study Time: 105 minutes

    • [Self-study] Communication Guide [60 minutes]

    • [Self-study] Presentation Communication [45 minutes]

    • Review of Module #5 [5 minutes]


Senior Cluster and Marketing Expert

Vedat Kunt

Mr. Vedat Kunt, International Expert on Cluster Development, Strategic Management, Marketing & Branding Has over 35 years of business experience both C-level in private sector and specialized in SME competitiveness and internationalization, cluster development, value chain development, strategic management, marketing, brand development, innovation, and entrepreneurship development. Mr.Kunt provides consulting services and training to SMEs on strategic management, brand development, marketing, value creation, innovation, organizational restructuring, value chain development and new business model generation. In addition, he trains chambers of commerce, State Institutions and Regional Development Agencies in Cluster Development Mr. Kunt works with UNIDO for more than a decade in various countries and sectors in cluster development, networking, innovation and internationalization of SMEs. Mr. Kunt holds a BSc. degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA.

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